Once you have downloaded and unzipped your eBook reference the information below to load it to your device.
Best for: iPad, iPhone, Nook, Android
iPad and iPhone (http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4059)
Add the book to iTunes by either dragging the file onto the iTunes icon or by going to File -> Add to Library.
Sync your iPad or iPhone to your computer and the book will be available in the iBooks application on your iPad or iPhone
Connect your Nook into your computer via the USB cable provided with the Nook.
Your Nook will appear as a removable drive in Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).
Click and drag the ePub file into the appropriate folder on your Nook.
Consult your device's manual on the best way to load ebook files.
Best for: Amazon Kindle
**Note: If you don't have a USB cable for your Kindle or Kindle Fire, you can email the file to the device. Click here for Amazon's Send-to-Kindle instructions.
Connect your Kindle to your computer via the USB cable provided with the device.
Your Kindle will appear as a removable drive in Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac).
Click and drag the Mobi file into the appropriate folder on your Kindle.